Nothing But Good News Radio: Unleashing Your Inner Artist

Remember back in kindergarten when you painted almost every day –sometimes with brushes, sometimes your fingers? In grade school you went to art class and made clay pots and plaster faces. But what are you doing today to keep art in your life? Where is your creative outlet?

Today’s guest will inspire you to reach deep into yourself and unleash that creative being that lives within. She will educate you on the healing benefits of art and that art is made up of much more than paint on a canvas.

Sharon Lee Dillenbeck is an artist with a deep passion for what she does. An award-winning painter, Dillenbeck is also a teacher, an art business owner and remains dedicated to promoting the benefits of art at all levels of our lives. Through her 24 year ownership of the D & M Art Studio in Canton, Michigan she has worked with numerous students of all ages while also spearheading community-wide art recreation programs, art curriculum in local schools and colleges, and internet classes.

“Art is my passion. Sometimes I feel I will be gobbled up by it.” Sharon Lee Dillenbeck


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