Nothing But Good News Radio: Healed by John of God

Ernie Chu first went to Brazil to see John of God in 2002. He was there to support a friend but ended up experiencing a healing of his own: John of God removed an egg-size tumor from his back. Ernie says he was given no anesthesia before or during the surgery, and he felt only a minimal amount of pain.

“In the beginning, when he actually made the incision, I felt a sharp pain almost like a paper cut,” Ernie says. “And then I didn’t feel anything after that.”

Despite the fact that the surgery was performed on a risky area (close to his spine), Ernie says he had no reservations going into it because he believed it would be a success.

Oprah Show producers spoke to Ernie’s U.S. doctor, who confirmed that Ernie did, in fact, have a tumor on his back that is no longer there.

“I think you can’t really explain it medically in terms of what we know,” Ernie says. “But we all know about the human body being more than just flesh and blood and bones. We know it to be a form of energy.”


In more than 35 years as an investment banker, corporate executive and entrepreneur, Ernie has become a widely recognized expert on financing emerging growth companies. He has created more than $1.5 billion in market value for his clients. This abundance coach has evaluated thousands of business proposals and advised hundreds of emerging companies, serving as leader and business coach to nine early stage companies, with five of those companies becoming public companies.

Now, through the Soul Currency Institute, Ernest Chu is teaching others what he has learned, serving as both abundance coach and master business and life coach. In his book, Soul Currency: Investing Your Inner Wealth for Fulfillment & Abundance, Chu identifies the spiritual equivalent of business success and redefines financial value, such as currency, into the organic aliveness of Spirit.


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